COVID-19 Safety Guidelines

Following is a summary of the many actions we have taken to ensure a safe environment for hosting in-person business and social events at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. These actions are continuously updated to adhere to the most current CDC guidance, as well as local and federal government mandates. We welcome your feedback on additional steps you would like to see us take that would help you feel most comfortable hosting your event at the National Press Club.

What to Expect From Us

From Our Facility

Building and Club HVAC systems have been upgraded with a Bi-Polar Ionization (BPI) system.  Bi-Polar Ionization is an air purification system that restores clean air to indoor space by safely emitting both positively and negatively charged particles that attach to and deactivate harmful substances like bacteria, allergens, smoke, mold, and viruses. The system works to do the following:

  • Reduce Viruses & Bacteria: Because Bi-Polar Ions negatively affect the DNA of bacteria and viruses, you’ll protect your space’s inhabitants from illness and disease.
  • Reduce Dust & Mold Particles: Bi-Polar Ions that bond with contaminants gain size and mass and drop to the floor, or return to the filter, making them easily filtered from the air we breathe.
  • Reduced VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds): Bi-Polar Ions break down gases and compounds from chemicals such as cleaning products, pesticides, paints, solvents, mold, mildew and more.

HVAC systems are also flushed with outside air on a regular basis.

We have implemented additional cleaning processes throughout the day, including enhanced janitorial cleaning of our lavatories, doorknobs, handrails, elevator buttons and other frequently touched surfaces multiple times each day with a multi-surface disinfectant cleaner from the EPA’s List N Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2. We are also conducting sterilization cleanings of the entire facility on a regular basis.

You will find multiple touchless hand sanitizer dispensers throughout the Club including in the reception lobby, main lobby, hallways and common areas.

All shared equipment such as podiums, microphones and other A/V resources are sanitized before and after each event use.

Temperature check stations are available at the entrance to the Club. No one with a temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) should enter the Club.

From Our Staff

All employees have been trained on COVID-19 safety precautions and protocols. Staff with frequent guest contact have been given more comprehensive training to ensure adherence to the most current government regulations and guidance.  

All staff are required to self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms at home, prior to reporting to work.

What We Expect from You

Prior to arriving to the National Press Club:

Self-certify your health before visiting the Club. Confirm you have no temperature (100.4 or above) and are not exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms. If you are experiencing any symptoms, please stay home.

Once you arrive at the National Press Club:

Practice proper hygiene and sanitization including hand washing and the use of touchless hand sanitizer dispensers throughout the Club in accordance with CDC recommendations. 

Contact a member of our staff immediately if you observe any individual exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms while on site, or if you become aware of any individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 within 48 hours of being at the Press Club.